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Monday, June 3, 2013

Crossfit...almost one month complete 😍

I must say I LOVE crossfit!! It is an insane workout and you feel like you're dying the entire time, and then miraculously you feel like a million bucks once you regain your composure! I've been noticing some body changes going on here. And here's the list.

1. My legs weren't in the best shape. Not as bad as years past since I started running two years ago, but not great. NOW I noticed a huge difference when I sit down and look at the sides of my legs and play then game where you count all the dimples of cellulite and cry on the inside, sometimes the outside as well. Definite plus! (Attribute to squats and lifting.)
2. My butt is getting big. So big a seam ripped in my size 2 Capri work pants. I got really sad. But then after further examination of my butt (and doing squats  in the mirror and flexing butt muscles) I've realized it's muscle!!! So that's ok. But it was shocking at first! 
3. My arms are not giggly or bingo-y at all! I'm so happy! Still working on the dreaded arm pit fat (gross), but that will come with the push-ups! 
4. After deciding on only doing 2 classes a week with my schedule and everything, I'm thinking about upping it next month I three! I want more crossfit!!! 
5. Since the bf sees me getting all buff, I'm thinking he's a little intimidated and even said "maybe I should have done crossfit with you?!" But for now he's on the healthy eating train with me! 

That's all I can think of for now, but I was so excited about my arms, I did something I never thought I'd do....ever!
Flexing and kissing muscles!!! 

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